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 Landscape Installs

If you are considering making your property look nicer this season, a great way to do that is by adding mulch to your gardens, remulching in the spring, or after the leaves have fallen in the fall. If you do not mulch your beds with the leaves naturally, mulch is the next best option. 


The Benefits

 landscape contractors and people who know about the basics of horticulture will agree, mulching is one of the easiest things you can do to improve your garden beds overall. Whether its retaining moisture throughout the drier seasons and especially when we have a drought season. It does keep back weeds and grass as well. This maybe something the average customer didn't know. The finer the mulch the higher the quality of mulch, but typically more expensive. If it's thicker however, it will not break down as fast keeping you from remulching in two years. The thicker the mulch also the better it will keep back the weeds per cubic yard. The bottom line is It can add value to a lot of customers my company services while offering them a low maintenance solution for their landscaping needs. 


An Alternative...

Customers looking for a great alternative to mulch installation, should go for something like Decorative stone. Now right out of the gate this is a more expensive product especially when we are talking about White Calcite Stone. This is something that is less commonly installed in the landscape industry, but my company offers both quite evenly and has demand for both. The Major pro with decorative stone in your garden beds is it can really stand out and tie the landscape together such as a lawn to patio to a bed for example. The con is that it doesn't have any natural or scientific benefit for plants. It is recommended that fabric be put down before the stone is installed. 

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